Get Certified Medical Agents to Answer Your Customer Queries
The technological advancement has modernized the healthcare system of world. Telephonic consultation with doctor, introduction of Internet of Medical Things, and assessment of patient though video calls has elevated the importance of telephone and internet. The medical setup require specialized and qualified telephone receptionist to handle such queries and talk to the patients with confidence. The medical answering service by Kolaxo CCS is exclusively designed for hospitals, doctors, and medical facilities. This service is empowering the medical attendants to hire a virtual receptionist to guide and communicate with the callers in a professional manner. Our educated, trained, and guided telephone operators are familiar with the medical procedure and patient’s treatment methodology so that they can provide accurate information to the callers. We have helping doctors to concentrate on their hospital and enjoy professional telephone handling facility through our competent and experienced operators.
Opt Round The Clock Availability with Medical Answering Service
The healthcare business encounters medical emergencies with no restriction of time. Therefore a 24/7 helpline is required to each hospital or clinic operating at large or small scale. Managing a 24 hours a day helpline with all 7 days working incorporate extra costs that creates a financial problem for small scale healthcare unit. The Answering Service for medical units by Kolaxo CCS is the most exceptional and economical facility to attends your calls in our virtual office. We have trained medical virtual receptionist to offer this service in different shifts and make sure consistent and uniform services are provided throughout the days and nights. The medical emergency needs urgent call handling therefore, we have integrated a full proof technology and perfect system to work in division of shifts to make sure every call in attended on time with full attention and energy. This paying attention to details and act to control the medical emergency with full energy is building a good impression of your hospital and creating trust of your patients.