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7 Proven Techniques for Motivating Your Call Center Agents

Front-line customer service is not an easy job for anyone. If you motivate your call center agents, it will definitely create happy customers. Implementing useful motivation techniques promotes good customer service through agent’s work quality and productivity. So, before you think about how you can boost your call center ROI, you should first consider whether you have motivated your agents or not to stay inspired at work. Enhancing motivation levels is a crucial factor that will help maintain better retention of your call center agents. Here, we have presented 7 proven techniques that can ultimately motivate your call center agents greatly to drive more sales:

1. Create a Positive Work Environment:

Whether your call center operations run onsite or offsite, it is important to foster a work culture that keeps your agents feeling valued, safe, and cared for.

Flexible work hours and schedules are also important parts of a successful work environment. In short, your agents should enjoy their time at work and feel in control of their professional daily basis tasks and commitments.

2. Give Appreciation:

When you show some appreciation and value your agent’s contributions to the company, even the word “thank you” is the most powerful way to fuel someone’s motivation. Besides thanking your agents in person, another good way for call center managers to express their appreciation is to thank their agents in a weekly meeting. Also, you can recognize and celebrate your agent’s success on the company’s social media platforms.

3. Recognize & Reward Excellence:

It not only boosts your call center agent’s performance but also builds morale. Creating a rewards program, that lets your agents acquire rewards based on achievement and redeem them, is one way to highlight an agent’s achievements. Work from home, movie passes, lunch vouchers, and gift certificates are the best ways to reward, recognize, and motivate your agents greatly.

4. Invest in Training Efforts:

Conduct updated and daily basis training sessions. It’s the best way to give your agents training and enough knowledge about the teamwork and collaboration. It also helps them polish old skills and acquire new ones. Ensure that you update your agents on the latest procedures, new promotions, and the latest ways of handling customer situations.

5. Treat Agents Like Treating Customers:

The truth is that your employees are more user-friendly than your customers. Without agents, you wouldn’t have and retain your call center’s client base. Treat your employees just like you treat your customers.

Build and maintain better relationships with your customers and give them the same value of attention and respect. This makes them feel important to the team and to the company as a whole ultimately leading to higher motivation levels.

6. Set SMART Goals:

Some call center makes their business goals unrealistic and undefined. These goals can result in harder decisions and unsuccessful strategies that lead to a deteriorating call center reputation. That’s why you need to set up SMART goals for your call center:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Besides setting one huge long-term goal, you can break the goal into smaller pieces that are easy to communicate and are more agent-oriented.

7. Provide Growth Opportunities:

Even if you run a call center on a smaller scale, employee development growth opportunities should be your first priority. Motivate your agents to grow within the company. For example, give your agents the opportunity to learn about marketing so they can easily run paid advertising on different social media platforms.

These opportunities will allow your agents to feel motivated and engaged while learning new skills and by creating these opportunities, you can keep your employee turnover low. Plus, your employees could have the opportunity to learn new skills that can greatly benefit the bottom line.

Final Words!

Motivated call center agents lead to high work engagement and they can easily uplift your business’ success by providing top-notch customer service that ensures happy customers. It may take a while to implement these techniques in your call center but it certainly will be worth your efforts and time when it all works out. Don’t be afraid to try out these techniques until you find ones that best suit your call center and agents.